See here for essential background:
Most people stopped looking at the election results once it was clear Donald Trump had won, but I kept returning to them. The election is still going on. It was only today, almost a week after it begun, that the race for the presidency finally ended with Arizona declaring for Trump. It took until Friday for Nevada to declare. I don't why those two outliers lingered for so long; possibly because they were going to be the centre of "steal 2". Maricopa County in Arizona has long been on the focus of pointing fingers. Florida has a population of twenty-three million yet it declared by one AM. Nevada barely has three million so I don't know why it took so much longer. So the final results were 312 Trump 226 Harris in Electoral College points. In a nation notoriously split fifty-fifty over everything political, this kind of decisive result is very rare. The only other example in modern history was Joe Biden, who of course did not really win, see: However, it is not just the executive which is up for grabs in this election, so is most of the federal legislature. The President of the United States is often dubbed "the most powerful man in the world", but in fact he is nothing of the sort. The US system is specifically designed not to give one person too much power. The former and new president will need Congress on his side to get anything serious done, especially in domestic policy. The good news is that the GOP has easily taken the fifty Senate seats put to the electorate this year. At the time of writing it the tally for the whole upper chamber is 53, 46 to the GOP with just one result pending. The House of Representatives is still being counted and the winning line is 218 seats. The Republicans are currently on 213. Nobody knows yet what the remaining constituencies will decide but the Democrats are currently far behind, only 202 at the time of writing. It looks as if Trump is going to begin his second term with a friendly Congress. Of course, some of the Republicans are going to be never-Trumpers and vote with the Dems, but many Dems will also waver after their party was bested so badly last week. The president can make some policies by executive order, but those orders have to be ratified by the Supreme Court. The Court did reject what was wrongly and slanderously called "Trump's Muslim ban" last time. The good news is that most of the justices are Trump appointees. Biden tried to alter that with his own diversity hire, Ketanji "I hate white people" whats-her-name. I recall the desperate measures after 2016 to stop Trump's judges, the meetooing of Brett Kavenaugh for instance. Trump has also won the popular vote 71.85 million to 66.98. It is very rare for a Republican candidate to win the popular vote. So Trump is basically just a few votes away from a "Trumpslide", a clean sweep. Things are looking very good for his upcoming government. Source:
Uri Geller is infamous for always coming out with some explosive statement whenever too many people are not talking about him for a while, but his latest Tweet gives an alarming warning: "My dear friends, I'm really concerned about Donald Trump's life... I have a BAD FEELING that something is being planned by the Deep State! They have the TOOLS, the MOTIVE and the WILLINGNESS. Their only means of comeback is to remove Trump or they are finished! Donald Trump, listen to me; do NOT trust the Pentagon, the CIA or the Secret Service. Their bosses are picked by Biden and Obama and they will sacrifice a stooge to assassinate you. Use your own men at all times as well, people you REALLY trust to protect you; and Elon Musk, please help put a ring of steel around him!" Source: This is hardly news and one does not need psychic powers to realize. Isn't it obvious? They've already tried twice. President Trump is going to need to spend the next four years continuously looking over his shoulder. It is a credit to him that when he finally discovered how deep and rancid the swamp he wanted to drain really was, he did not turn away. He knows the challenge he is facing and the danger. I don't think he is relying on the Secret Service anymore. He has the resources to hire an entire battalion of mercenaries if he needs to and I'm sure that's what he's doing. These are men who are more reliable and apolitical. As you know if you are a regular HPANWO follower, during the election I watched all of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings adaptations. Funnily enough I was not the only one. LOTR memes were being shared everywhere by Trump supporters, for example by Sargon of Akkad, see:
. Tolkien's story touches something so deep and profound that it's a phenomenon I should have expected. Trump's victory is so incredibly symbolic it is what Tolkien called a "eucatastrophe". It is truly right up there with Brexit and Trump's first presidential election win. So far, 2024 is indeed the new 2016. In the story, Gandalf tells Frodo, "There are forces for good at work in the world as well as evil." I hope and pray that those forces, call them God if you like, are protecting President Trump. There is probably more going on than any of us know. This result will certainly rekindle debate about QAnon. This is something that the Conspirasphere is very split over, never mind the mainstream which regards it as pernicious lunacy. I personally take the concept very seriously, see the background link below. It could be that before 2028 we will see the emergence of JFK junior; I don't know if it's Juan O Savin or Vincent Fuscia, but I think he's out there somewhere. The Biden hoax was a blow to the forces of freedom, but it was not at all "time to put it to bed". The Plan is back; trust it! What does this mean for UFO Disclosure? I think many exopoliticians will be heartbroken right now, as they were in 2016, but they should not be. In my view, the revelation about an extraterrestrial intelligence on earth is totally conjoined with all other conspiracies. Trump is by far the most likely of all to be the Disclosure President. Appropriately, there is going to be a UFO hearing on Wednesday which I will be sure to cover in detail. I'm not a fan of Tracy Chapman; I find her a melancholy and slushy musician, but I do like the song Talking about a Revolution and I often played it on HPANWO Radio during the magical days of 2016. As the lyrics go... finally the tables are starting to turn. Source:
. We don't know what will happen for sure in the future; there are no guarantees, but we finally have a chance for real progress after many many wilderness years. So let us move together into this new second Trumpian era with hope and inspiration. Â
See here for more background:
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