I've just come across something that is so sinister and shocking that it takes my breath away. A Dutch-Australian partnership has invented something that looks at first glance like a New Age meditation couch or an immersive computer game interface. It is elegantly shaped and comes in an array of colours. It is simple to operate and can even be 3D printed. It can be delivered to your home or any other location you choose. What it actually is is a gas chamber for assisted suicide. Once the "customer" has decided they want to end their life, "exit" to use the terminology of the manufacturer, they lie down inside it and the machine gradually replaces the air inside with pure nitrogen. This provides a rapid and painless death. Survivors of accidental nitrogen intoxication, usually deep sea divers, actually describe a sense of euphoria and delight as the oxygen is sucked out of their brains. The Sarco Podâ„¢ even has the ability to show films and play music to the soon-to-be-deceased. Some readers may find this reminiscent of the film Soylent Green, a dystopian futuristic story in which this practice takes place, see: https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2022/01/soylent-green-watch-party-review.html. Incredibly the inventors admit this film helped inspire them. Source: https://odysee.com/@lotuseaters_com:1/killer-pods-from-outer-space:8.
I know that I have in the past made statements in which I support the voluntary euthanasia movement, for example: https://hpanwo-hpwa.blogspot.com/2014/07/carey-backs-right-to-die.html. I am now seriously reconsidering my position on this subject. This is not because I have changed my mind about the basic ethics involved, but because of the way it could be harnessed by the government to something else that is truly nightmarish. It is actually horrifying how quickly this new concept has been normalized in many countries; that assisted suicide is a virtuous and aesthetic act, and that it should be offered to far more people in far more circumstances and with far easier conditions. In Canada, for example, many hospital inpatients and community patients are routinely sent leaflets advertising the services of "medical assistance in dying- MAID". To qualify, all the patient has to suffer from is a "serious illness, disease or disability". This could include missing limbs, blindness or severe arthritis; and it doesn't have to have a terminal prognosis. Even worse, from next March a person can be offered MAID if they suffer from a mental illness. Since 2021 over 10,000 people have died via MAID. In this episode of Third Rail Radio Trevor and I address the subject in more detail: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2022/12/third-rail-radio-programme-131.html. So, people who have said repeatedly that there are too many humans in the world and wish that somehow there could be fewer of us, are now asking us if we would like to rid the earth of our presence. They are making it trendy and appealing to people who are vulnerable and malleable. There's an Arabian proverb that goes: "If it ever became fashionable to make biscuits out of camel dung, most people would eat them." That's truer than you'd imagine, because I could put "poison" into the sentence and a frighteningly large number of people would also still eat them. You can see the usual psychological mind-benders have been employed to make killing oneself cool. Life is a precious gift, it should be cherished. I have been through bad times in my life, as have most people. When I was in my early twenties I seriously wondered if I should find a way to end my life. Am I glad I didn't? You bet! What if this agenda had been in place back in those days?... We should be putting resources into helping people through mental and physical illness, to find ways of giving their lives as much quality as possible. Jackie Noise has made a good video about this, see:
. Why don't we ask why so many people want to end their own lives? What is wrong with the world to cause that reaction? Are there individuals in the political classes who are quite pleased we "useless eaters" want to stop eating? Are we saving them the bother?
See here for more background: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2014/06/anything-to-save-planet.html.
And: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2023/02/would-real-rc-christian-please-stand-up.html.
(This article is too hot for Blogger and will only be posted on HPANWO Free